Other stats

Hitpoints(TNE) = Hitpoints(GURPS) * 2

Bonuspoints on Hitpoints
Hitpoints per body part +1 for each extra 2 levels of Extra Hit points B236

Weight(TNE) = Weight(GURPS)/2.2

Throw Range = STR(GURPS) * 2
Load = (STR + HTH) * 1.5
Armor value = AV(GURPS DR)/10
[If HTH is 0 then count HTH as 0.5]
MT (Maintence Value) = (Total hitpoints) / (10 * HTH) rounded up

All Robots start with Initiative 1

Bonuslevels Initiative
Initiative +1 for each extra 2 levels on Increased Speed R79
Initiative +1 for Combat Reflexes B20
Initiative +1 for Hyper Reflexes R79
Initiative +1 for Danger Sense B20