Bv 206

This vehicle are primary used by NorrladsBrigades primary by
nocombatant units.
Bv 2061 - CommandVehicle
Bv 2062 - Open Vehicle (Bv206-Bill)
Bv 2063 - Bv 2062 with Rb 55 Tow
Pv-1111 - With a 90mm Recoiless Rifle (phased out)
Other variants still exists, medcarrier, Radarvehicle,
ArtilleryradarVehicle, MortarVehicle, MinelayingVehicle.

Well GDW did make the stats for this Vehicle, but they didn't read
their lesson It cannot by mine opinion drink as much fuel as a M113,
and it doesn't are so fast as they have set in the Sourcebooks...

A little note: I have drived one of these babies on a obstaclecourse
for vehicels, great fun indead...

price: $40.000 (R/-)
Armament: There is a NHT-mount (Ksp-58 or Tksp)  Tr Mov: 120/70
Ammo:                                            Com Mov: 50/40
Fuel Type: D, A                                  Fuel Cap: 360
Load: 2.000 kg                                   Fuel Cons: 80
Veh Wt: 4.2 ton
Crew: 2 + 10
Mnt: 10
Night Vision: Headlights

Crewmembers: Driver (  ), Gunner (  )
Passenger: (  )(  )(  )(  )(  ) (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )  (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Stnd                HF: 1	
Susp: T:2                   HS: 1
                            HR: 1