Strv 106 Super Centurion

The remaining Strv 104/105 was updated to Strv 106 standard during 1997 to 1999. The
updated was both engines, reactive armor packages and a 120mm Gun and a autoloader
for the main gun.

price: $550.000 (R/-)
Armament: 120 mm Lowrecoil, Ksp-39 (coax)        Tr Mov: 115/70
Ammo: 18 120mm                                   Com Mov: 27/16
Fuel Type: D, A                                  Fuel Cap: 810
Load: 700 kg                                     Fuel Cons: 280
Veh Wt: 52 ton
Crew: 3
Mnt: 16
Night Vision: Headlights IR/Thermal vision

Crewmembers: Driver (  ), Gunner (  ), Commander (  )
Autoloader: (  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): ( )( )( )( )( )  ( )( )( )( )( )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Stdn                TF: 65-Cp*   HF: 60*
Susp: T:6                   TS: 20*      HS: 16
                            TR: 10       HR: 12

                          * Reactive armor adds 80 to the AV
                            of these faces.
Weapon       Round     Rng        Damage       Pen
120mm        APFSDS    420        25           100/90/70/45
             HEAT      350        C:10, B:25   80C
             HE        350        C:10, B:35   1C

Weapon    ROF   Dam   Pen       Blk   Mag   SS   Brst   Rng
MAG MG    10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     9      65
 bipod    10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     5      90
 tripod   10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     4     125