Strv 103C

This is the MBT of Sweden if you don't wan't the Swedish army have
those Leopard IIs This tank can only be fired while standing totally
still, most foreign militaries call this MBT a tankdestroyer which
it by me also is. It elevates the mainweapon with the tracks of the
wehicle. So any minor damage to the tracks makes the Strv 103C
one level difficult to fire the 105mm and twin MAGs. Immobilized
hit to the tracks makes the weapons non-usable. Commander can also fire
the gun and drive the vehicle.

price: $400.000 (R/-)
Armament: 105 mm , twin MAG (coax), MAG (com)    Tr Mov: 120/70
Ammo: 50 105mm                                   Com Mov: 40/30
Fuel Type: D, A                                  Fuel Cap: 1350
Load: 700 kg                                     Fuel Cons: 270
Veh Wt: 42.5 ton
Crew: 3
Mnt: 16
Night Vision: Headlights IR/Thermal vision

Crewmembers: Driver/Gunner (  ), Commander/Gunner (  ), Driver backwards (  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )  (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Stdn                HF:	170
Susp: T:6                   HS: 24
                            HR: 20

Weapon       Round     Rng        Damage       Pen
105mm        APFSDS    500        26           90/80/70/50
             HEAT      400        C:6, B:12    80C
             HE        400        C:10, B:20   1C

Weapon    ROF   Dam   Pen       Blk   Mag   SS   Brst   Rng
MAG MG    10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     9      65
 bipod    10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     5      90
 tripod   10     4    2-3-Nil    6    50B   1     4     125