Dictonary - Easy Swedish: how do I say...

I'm gonna show a good example on how to pronaouce a word both in both languages
Of course you have to pronounce it the British way =)

The letters within brackets is the ones you gonna use to pronaounce...
Example 1:
The English word "one"...
One - at [on]ce
Example 2:
The swedish word ett, en (one) and etta (Military phontics for one)
Ett - [e]n[t]angle
En - [en]tangle (or) [en]emy
Etta - [e]n[t]angle [a]ttack

Some rules in my way to show phonetics...
[(e:s)] - short e-sound
[(a:l)] - long a-sound
(or) - another option to pronaounce
[e]n[t]angle [a]ttack - Pronaouced as [eta], by using two words
[(e:l)l] - long e-sound followed by a l-sound.
Ex: [(e:l)]ntang[l]e that would give the shortword for Electricity