Steamtrain model E

price: $950.000 (R/-)
Armament: none                   Tr Mov: 240/180 (O,C/W)
Ammo: none                       Com Mov: 60/45 (O,C/W)
Fuel Type: O, C, W               Fuel Cap: 12000 fuel/45000 water
Load: 450 ton max pull           Fuel Cons: 8000 fuel/60000 water
Veh Wt: 150 tons
Crew: 2-3
Mnt: 16
Night Vision: Headlights

Crewmembers: Driver (  ), Coal/Wood handler 1 (  ), Coal/Wood handler 1 (  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )  (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Engine/Tender       HF: 4	
Susp: W(8)                  HS: 4
                            HR: 4

Due to the shortage of liquid Fuel Oil (O) the most of the F-loks
uses Wood (W) or Coal (C). If the F-lok is using wood as fuel you
get a lower speed (180/4hr) couse you the energyvalue is lower
than Coal or Fuel Oil. You cannot use Gasoline, Alcohol or Diesel
couse they are to explosively voliatle.

Energy Table   Index
Fuel Oil         1
Coal             2
Wood             2.5