
What anarchy is, and is not (found on www.flashback.se):
Anarchy is a class of social interaction systems without a centralized coercive control. Anarchy does NOT mean no rules, it means no ruler. Anarchy is not one particular system of social interaction; there are as many types of anarchy as there are types of governments. Likewise, anarchy is not of necessity a utopian ideal (one would do just as well to say that government per se is a utopian ideal).

The Anarchists in Sweden is counted as a treath to the community by the Police and Security Police (SÄPO), The militant arm of the Anarchists is watched closely...

The Anarchy Commity

The Swedish Anarichists has hard ideological problem solving that there cannot be a formal leader, but they are in the T2k world trying to have a commity that tries to lead the hundreds of subgroups that state themself as Anrchists, but as many consider the idees of anarchy to be "no leader", the Anarchy Commity only Organize around 600 people, mainly unarmed

The Militant Anarchists

The militant Anarchists, fight the 18th Division, there has been some firefights and these groups can support Anarchy Commity, but then the Leaderproblem must be solved first, that means no leader for most groups. The medium size of the single group is between 8 to 15 people. They number in total to 250 people. This type of Anarchist as group is growing fastest, and are considered by SÄPO as a major threath to the society. They are heavily armed by civilian standards of Sweden. Around 20% is in Imprisoned

The Unorganized Anarchists

These Anarchists don't support the Anarchy Commity all the way, and treats the Militant Anarchists as something better than the Police, Army and much better than 18th Division. They can be a singel person moving from group to group but they often can be found in groups of 20-30 people, the group of friends. Their total number is around 7 200 people that is active Anarchists, but to that number can you add 8 000 that support the idees of Anarchy but are not active. Some of these are armed mainly with knifes and rarely Pistols, they have occasionaly throwed bombs on the 18th Division