The Air Force Rangers

Flygbasjägarna, here named Fbj (Swedish Air Force Rangers-SAFR). Their task consist of search for, and elimination of, enemy special forces who execute sabotage against Air Force bases. The Swedish Air Force new base system (Bas 90) imply that they spread their airfields, aeroplanes, equipment and personell over large areas, because that makes them less vulnerable against enemy air attacks, but this system causes another problem: it is more difficult to control a large area than a small. Therefore the swedish Air Force created Fbj.

The Fbj is divided in platoons, one Fbj platoon is then divided in one Staff squad and four Fbj squads. The staff consist of eight men:

Platoon chief, 1/Lieutenant
Assistant platoon chief, 1/Lieutenant or 2/Lieutenant
Staffsquad chief
Staff signaller
4 vehicle drivers/sharpshooters

One Fbj squad consist of eight soldiers and two dogs:
Squad chief
Assistant squad chief
2 dog handlers
2 recoilless antitank rifle-/machine gun markmans
2 medic's

The machine gun/antitank markmans use two types of machine guns, the Ksp m/90 and Ksp m/58B. He also uses the Grg m/48 anti-tank rifle. The Fbj squad can split up to two four mans units with nearly the same obligations.

How Fbj operate
The most important object for Fbj is combat reconnaissance parties. This means that when a squad groups in an area, where they think the enemy special forces will operate, they start search with dogs. This search is often many swedish miles (1 Swedish mile = 10 km) per day. When they have found a trace they start hunting the enemy to neutralize him. Fbj often operate in 2-3 weeks without rest and in large and various areas without support from other units. This creates great demands on the squad members.