H&K HK13:

A German machine gun similar to the HK21.

Ammo: 5.56mm N ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Weight: 10 kg. 8 3 + 2 1 - Nil 5 100B 1 2 80
Magazine: 100 drum, 20 or 30 box
Price: $1000 (S/R)

H&K HK23:

A German machine gun, the HK23 is essentially an HK13, but instead is belt fed.

Ammo: 5.56mm N ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Weight: 8.75 kg. 8 3 + 2 1 - Nil 5 100B 1 2 80
Magazine: 100 belt
Price: $1000 (S/R)

Weapons Index