CIS Series

CIS .50:

A modern version of the aging Browning HMG, the CIS (Chartered Industries Singapore) can be broken down into 5 main components plus a tripod (Stats are with a tripod included).

Ammo: .50 BMG ROF Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Weight: 33 kg. (Tripod wieghs 15kg.) 6 8 + 4 2 - 2 - 2 8 105B 2 6 150
Magazine: 105 belt
Price: $1800 (S/S)

CIS Ultimax 100:

An effective unique light MG from Singapore. The Ultimaz 100 can have it's stock removed and a short barrel fitted to provide a versitle assualt weapon (Para)

Ammo: 5.56mm N ROF (Ultimax) Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Weight: 4.9 kg. (Para: 4.2 kg.) 5 3 1 - Nil 5 20, 30 or 100D 1 1 75
Magazine: 20, 30 box or 100 drum ROF (Para) Dam Pen Blk Mag SS Brst Rng
Price: $800 (S/S) 5 3 - 3 1 - Nil 4 20, 30 or 100D 2 5 50

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