Airforce Inventory (Post Uppsala)

The Attack formations in the Airforce was minimized during the Uppsala Conflict
where they where used in lot of sorties against Soviet Union Troops. Some claim
the Airforce won that conflict and it maybe true. 1999 most airsorties is flown
with syntetic aviation gasoline produced at Scanraf, Lysekil.

Fighters            : 25x JAS39, 85x JA37, 31x J35J
Attack              : 31x AJS37, 53x A38, 22x Sk60B
Recce(Radar)/Attack : 12x AJSH37 
Recce(Photo)/Attack : 11x AJSF37, 11x Sk60C
ECM                 : 11x J32E
Transport           : 6x Tp84
AWACS               : 2x S103B