Finnish Navy : 2001

The Finnish Navy was a small navy compared with other Nordic Countries it has
lost around 60% of its vessels during the war. Nylands Brigade belongs to the 
ManPower : 2200 men
Vessels : 1 Tuurunmaan Class Gunboats/Corvettes, 1 Helsinki class missile boats,
          2 Rauma class missile boats,
          2 Hämeenmaan Class Minelayers, 3 Kuha class minesweepers,
          2 Kiiski Class minesweepers, 1 Pansio class minelayers
Nyland Marine Brigade
Allready mentioned in the Army section.
In cantoment in the city of Maarienhamina, controlling the northern coastline
of Botnia sea.
Manpower : 1300
Vessels : 10 Jurmo Class Landing Boats, 9 Meruisko Class Landing Boats, 
          5 G Class landing Boats, 5 L-100 class transports, 
          2 Hauki class transports, 1 Hila class transports