Pbv 502

This is the Pbv 501 upgraded with the tower from Strf 90-series.
SIDENOTE: The pic is a Polish BWP-40, but you get the idea... =)

price: $175.000 (R/-)
Armament: 40mm Autocanon, MAG MG(coax)           Tr Mov: 120/70
Ammo: 240 x 40mm, 3800 x 7.62N                   Com Mov: 30/20
Fuel Type: D, A                                  Fuel Cap: 440
Load: 1.000 kg                                   Fuel Cons: 110
Veh Wt: 15.4 ton
Crew: 3 + 6
Mnt: 8
Night Vision: Headlights

Crewmembers: Driver (  ), Gunner (  )
Passenger: 1(  ), 2(  ), 3(  ), 4(  ), 5(  ), 6(  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )  (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Stnd                TF: 12    HF: 4	
Susp: T:2                   TS:  8    HS: 3
                            TR:  8    HR: 2