Ikv 2000

This vehicle has been tested round 1981 for real. It was only a
testversion for both testing the consept of a turretless and
waiststearing 'tankkiller', it wasn't intended for fielding, but
'what if'...

The vehicle is based on the Bv206 series of tracked vehicles and
of course it might be fielded as a option for a 'Swedish tank' when
'Leo 2' couldn't been mustered in numbers. Of course the equation
gets uncertain when 'what if' appears, and I do the remark on
purpose for you as a reader to judge if this possible for the t2k
timeline... the question stand there 'What if?'...

price: $450.000 (R/-)
Armament: 120mm MainGun, Ksp-58 (coax)           Tr Mov: 125/90
Ammo: 36 120mm, 2400 7.62mmN                     Com Mov: 35/30
Fuel Type: D, A                                  Fuel Cap:  680
Load: 500 kg                                     Fuel Cons: 140
Veh Wt: 25 ton
Crew: 3
Mnt: 12
Night Vision: Headlights, Thermal/IR

Crewmembers: Driver (  ), Gunner (  ), Commander (  )
Autoloader: (  )
Sight/Vision: (  )
Radio: (  )
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )  (  )(  )(  )(  )(  )
Suspension: Minor Damage(  ) Immobilized(  )

Combat Statistics
Config: Stnd                TF: 30-Cp  HF: 24-Cp	
Susp: T:4                   TS: 12     HS: 10
                            TS:  6     HR:  6