Air Assault Brigade Type 88

   HQ Infantry Defence Coy
   Anti Tank Coy
   SAM Coy
   Recce Coy

   3 x Airassault Infantry Bns
   Engineer Coy
   Support Bn
The Airborne brigade was operational as an airborne unit only when some Hkp 4's could transport the unit into battle. The Airborn Bn was ment for recon duties over the whole of the battlefield.

Brigades Bns

Airassault Bn      
   Heavy Weapons Coy      
      6x 81mm Mortars
      1x Recce Plt        
      2x Rb56    
   2x Infantry Coy        
      2x Rb 56
      3x Infantry Plts          
         2x Carl Gustav RCL  
         2x Ksp-58

Airborn Bn
   3x Infantry Coy
      18 x 8man Recon teams

Brigade Coys

Anti Tank Missile Coy
   3x Infantry Plt
   6x Rb56

Engineer Coy
   Combat Engineer Coy
      12x Engineer Squads

Recce Coy
   3x Recce Plts
   4x Recce Teams

SAM Coy        
   3x SAM Plts 
      3x Rbs 56 Redeye