New combat Rules

A/ New recoil rules- progressive recoil
In a series of bursts, or single shots, the effects of the recoil are cumulative, but each penalty is applied before the next burst/shot is considered. That is, in a series of three bursts, the first burst is penalized for 1 burst, the second for 2, and the third for 3. eg. A person with a strength of 8 fires an M-16, (burst recoil 5). The first burst is unaffected, and fires 5 bullets. The second and third bursts (recoil 10 and 15) release 8str+5bullets-10recoil = 2 effective bullets, and 8+5-15= 1 effective bullet ( because of the minimum of 1 effective bullet per burst rule). This gives a grand total of 8 effective bullets out of 15, and approximately 2 or 3 will actually hit a totally exposed target at close range. Still not accurate (One can empty a full mag into a man sized target at 40m and get close to 80% hits), but closer to the truth, considering combat conditions.

B/ Partial actions, action pairs
A lot can happen in six seconds, and instant reactions should be allowed to veteran or above characters. In such a reaction, players can perform partial action pairs instead of a normal action. A player can fire while crouching, this eliminates any hits to the abdomen (as it is not exposed), or while dropping prone (allowing only head/arm/chest shots). In each case only ½ strength can be used for weapons fire, and a maximum of 2 shots or bursts can be fired. Once the player is crouched or prone, he can fire normally. Players who insist on talking during fire will also incur the penalties of a partial action (as above), This is considered a partial action pair as well, fire and communicate. This also applies to movement, such as run and communicate (reducing movement rate 3/4)