BDM 60

The Bunker Defeat Munition - 60 millimeter (BDM60) provides the soldier with 
a lightweight shoulderfired system that can defeat bunkers, buildings and 
lightly armored vehicles. BDM60 can be used in all close combat situations 
and provide an effective weapon for military operations in urban terrain.
A key to the weapon's success is its Fire From Enclosure (FFE) capability.
It can also be used to defeat targets at ranges of 20 to 250 meters. BDM60 
uses an insensitive but highly energetic explosive for maximum safety and 
effectiveness. BDM60 can be set for use against hard and soft targets via a 
dualmode fuze that senses the target type. The dual-mode fuze ensures
maximum destructive effect.

Ammo: 60mm Grenade Disposal
Wt: 7.2 kg
Mag: 1 internal disposal
Price: $400 (-/R)

Weapon       Mag   Rng  Rnd       Dam       Pen
BDM60         1     60  HESH(1)  C:4, B:4   65C
              1     60  HESH(2)  C:7, B:20   2C

(1) The Weapon is set in the HEAT mode.
(2) The Weapon is set in the HE mode.