Rockwell OV-10A/D Bronco

Merc: 2000 Price: $850,000 (-/S)
Twilight: 2000 Price: $1,000,000 (R/-)
Armament: Four fixed M60 machine guns, 
          M197 20mm autocannon (OV-10A, if no hardpoints are used)
Ammo: 2000x7.62mmN, 1500x20mm
Fuel Type: AvG
Load: 2200kg on 7 hardpoints
Veh Wt: 7.2tons
Crew: 2
Mnt: 12
Runway: Hardened
Minimum Landing/Takeoff Zone: 616/744m

Damage Record
Crewmembers: Pilot (  ), Weapon officer (  )
Radio: (  )
Instruments: (  )
Controls: (  )
M60 MG 1: (  )
M60 MG 2: (  )
M60 MG 3: (  )                          Tr Mov: 1240
M60 MG 4: (  )                          Com Mov: 47 (18)
20mm M197 AC (if carried): (  )         Fuel Cap: 1200
Ammo: (  )                              Fuel Cons: 1100
Engine: (  )
Fuel (% Consumed or Destroyed): ( )( )( )( )( )  ( )( )( )( )( )

Combat Equipment: (OV-10D only) 
FLIR, chaff dispenser, flare dispenser

The OV-10D was the most advanced version of the Bronco and was only
used by the U.S. Marine Corps (refurbished D models were later used
by some U.S. civilian operators, primarily NASA and the State
Department.) The D model has a ForwardLooking Infrared (FLIR) night-
vision system, with the main camera housed in a large turret underneath
the nose, as well as much more powerful engines, composite propellers,
flare and chaff dispensers in the rear booms, and other improvements. 
In Desert Shield / Desert Storm, OV-10Ds were preferred in combat due
to their greater speed and capabilities while the OV-10As were
restricted to operating mostly in daylight.