A-4 Skyhawk

This small and agile delta jet, originally designed as carrier-
based (nuclear) bomber, later enjoyed a long career as an 
extremely versatile attack aircraft. The concept behind the 
Douglas A-4 was to keep the design simple and the weight as 
light as possible. The A-4 met both of those qualifications 
easily. Later developments had a large dorsal spine to make 
room for electronics. The A-4 was kept in production for 22 
years, and is still serving with some air forces. The OA-4 is
a two-seat FAC version for the USMC, and the trainer version is
known as TA-4. 2960 built.

Merc:2000 Price:500 000                
Twilight 2000 Price: 700 000           
Armament:två 30mm AC                   
Ammo: 100 per gun                      
Fuel Type: AvG                         
Load: 4200 kg                          
Veh Wt: 8200 kg                        
Crew: 1                               
Mnt: 10                                
Runway: Hardened                       
Min. Runway, Takeoff/Land:600/800m     
Damage Records                         
Crewmwmber: Pilot ( )                  
Radio: ( )
Instruments:  ( )
Controls: ( )
Engine: ( )
Fuel :  ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )

Tr Move: 2520
Com Move: 105(28)
Fuel Cap: 3000
Fuel cons: 2500

radar gun sight, intgral flare and chaff dispensers