DarkHorse RBS
The DarkHorse RBS system design lets the shooter drop their weapons and have it
ready when using both hands. It also drops down recoils by a factor depending
on what you wear. The riflebutt socket comes to every large manufactured rifle
out there.

SS/Brst   Normal clothes + RBS     Rigid armor + RBS
   1               1                      1
   2               2                      2
   3               2                      2
   4               3                      3
   5               4                      4
   6               5                      4
   7               6                      5
   8               7                      6
   9               8                      7
  10               8                      7
  11               9                      8
  12              10                      9                     
  13              11                     10
  14              12                     10
  15              13                     11
  16              14                     12
  17              14                     13
  18              15                     13
  19              16                     14
  20              17                     15